TONI PIÑERA – The premiere of El Crimen Fue En Granada by Irene Rodriguez Dance Company received long ovations from a captivated audience during the closing gala of the XXIV Festival La Huella de España (Footprint of Spain). The temperature in the theater was already hot but rose even more when Omara Portuondo, the lady of song, stepped on stage with another special guest, Reynier Mariño, and his band.
The highlight of this grand night presided by the Secretary of Cultural affairs, Rafael Bernal, and the president of the Festival, Alicia Alonso, was the premiere of El Crimen Fue en Granada choreographed by Irene Rodriguez, director of the new dance company that bears her name. In just 10 minutes, through the language of dance, they told the story of the eponymous poem by Antonio Machado written in 1937, about the death of García Lorca. Against a sober backdrop and in black and white costumes, their dance was the sole protagonist.
A masterful weave of traditional flamenco and contemporary dance, their facial expressions and the clock-like precision of every step conveyed the emotions of the story. The group showed once again that they prepared for this performance vigorously, guided by their director, an impetuous dancer who brings everything onstage and drives the rest of the collective. Henry Carballosa excelled in the role of Lorca. It was full of subtleties (the beautiful interplay with the shawl was like “flirting” with death), and it ended in the capture of the great poet and playwright, who was then shot by Franco’s forces. El Crimen Fue en Granada marks a great starting point for the group and will pave their road forward in the world of dance.